CALL US: 507-376-3420

We have decades of experience in doing complicated demolition projects. Whether it be tearing down an elevator, removing a portion of a fire damaged facility or tearing down the "NEW" addition of building that is over 100 years old so that the Historic Restoration Process can begin. If you want it gone, we'll get rid of it for you. We are licensed by the MPCA as demolition landfill inspectors.

Sewer and Water

Sewer and Water accounts for 60-80 percent of our work load. Even though you might wonder what a Crane Service is doing in the Sewer & Water business. Actually, this where we got our start. This type of work is primarily public bid work and we stay fairly local. This area of work keeps 1-2 crews busy most of the year for LCS. We have worked on all sizes of projects from a small project laying 1/2 mile of rural water to farms all the way to a major main street reconstruction project.
LCS currently has 3 truck cranes to suit your needs. Our Operators are NCCO certified and will provide you with a very "uplifting" experience! We also do heavy machinery moving.

Crane Rental and Rigging
Other Services
Excavation - Bridges - Concrete Recycling - Used Steel Beams - Salvage from demoltion projects